Time Capsule Renovation Now Complete
Hey everyone…
After roughly 6 years of work, our TFHS Time Capsule Renovation is now complete… a year and a half late! Better late than never!
Despite our efforts, we were only able to raise roughly $6000 which, turned out to be enough in lieu of the restrictions placed upon us by the DSBN.
When we embarked on this adventure, we stated 2 main goals.
1) Increase awareness about TFHS and our Time Capsule. After 50 years, most people (including the current Glyn A Green staff and student body) were not even aware that a High School ever existed there and most thought our Time Capsule was a septic tank.
2) Repair the damaged Time Capsule structure. At some point, the school staff severely altered the appearance of the structure and of greatest concern was the fact that water was leaking down into it. Our renovation has since sealed it but we can only hope that the container holding our artifacts was waterproof.
The large plaque mounted on top briefly states the purpose of our efforts and it also lists the names of all of our contributors. A smaller plaque corrects an error we made on the large plaque and it references www.tfhsyearbooks.com as I have received some criticism for not honouring the 4 original TFHS teachers who were instrumental in creating the Time Capsule. On the website, I posted a detailed history of the school and the Time Capsule so anyone who wants to access the info, is free to do so.
Some will notice that we painted the sides red and the top white. I’d like to say that this was intentional but the truth is that…. we ran out of red paint :)!
It is likely that we will be having a ceremony of some sort next year and you are all invited. Visit this website for updates or stay tuned to the Pelham News media.