Special thanks to Santa Cyopik, John Paroschy, Mary Ann Laing,
John & Brenda Neilson, Vera Ohler and Lois Albanese
for lending me their yearbooks, and their support.

Ottawa TFHS Alumni Group

Hey everybody. While we were all enjoying our TFHS get-togethers here in Niagara over the last few years, it seems that some of our TFHS friends from the Ottawa area have been doing the same since 2004/2005. Here are a few images of their December 16th, 2018 lunch.

Actually, our friends from Ottawa were always here with us as significant contributors of our Time Capsule Renovation project as evidenced by the fact that several of their names are engraved onto our TFHS plaque. 

Below, I have included several photos as provided by Jeff Ross. We sincerely hope that we can all get together one day… perhaps as soon as next year as we execute the promotional stage of our efforts.

Long live TFHS!

Linda McDonald and Maureen Fraser
Top Row: Mike Watts, Dan Daley. Bottom Row: Jeff Ross, Linda McDonald.
Top Row: Dan Daley, Rick Lane. Bottom Row: Linda McDonald, Maureen Fraser.
The entire gang!

In his email, Jeff proudly stated that they all have their teeth. I’m happy to say that so do we… but it all goes downhill from there :)!

Merry Christmas to all!

Time Capsule Renovation Now Complete

Hey everyone…

After roughly 6 years of work, our TFHS Time Capsule Renovation is now complete… a year and a half late! Better late than never!

Despite our efforts, we were only able to raise roughly $6000 which, turned out to be enough in lieu of the restrictions placed upon us by the DSBN.

When we embarked on this adventure, we stated 2 main goals.

1) Increase awareness about TFHS and our Time Capsule. After 50 years, most people (including the current Glyn A Green staff and student body) were not even aware that a High School ever existed there and most thought our Time Capsule was a septic tank.
2) Repair the damaged Time Capsule structure. At some point, the school staff severely altered the appearance of the structure and of greatest concern was the fact that water was leaking down into it. Our renovation has since sealed it but we can only hope that the container holding our artifacts was waterproof.

The large plaque mounted on top briefly states the purpose of our efforts and it also lists the names of all of our contributors. A smaller plaque corrects an error we made on the large plaque and it references www.tfhsyearbooks.com as I have received some criticism for not honouring the 4 original TFHS teachers who were instrumental in creating the Time Capsule. On the website, I posted a detailed history of the school and the Time Capsule so anyone who wants to access the info, is free to do so.

Some will notice that we painted the sides red and the top white. I’d like to say that this was intentional but the truth is that…. we ran out of red paint :)!

It is likely that we will be having a ceremony of some sort next year and you are all invited. Visit this website for updates or stay tuned to the Pelham News media.

Time Capsule Renovation Update

I just wanted to give everybody an update on the Time Capsule renovation.
First of all I want to thank everybody who contributed. We managed to raise roughly $6000 which, presently sits safely in a trust fund with the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN). Unfortunately, most of this money came in during the last month.

Further, after presenting our intentions to the DSBN we were told that we are welcome to alter the appearance of the structure itself but we cannot do any landscaping around it… for safety and maintenance reasons. So much for the pathway leading from South Pelham Road up to the capsule, the flower garden we envisioned surrounding it and the park benches for visitors to rest on.

So… given our budget and the restrictions the DSBN has placed on us, here is what we intend to do. 1) We are going to cut down the 3 pine trees surrounding the structure in order to increase visibility. Roots are also going to be removed. 2) A granite like paste is going to be applied to the structure in order to improve its appearance and hopefully, to make it waterproof again (we might be too late in this regard). 3) At the present time several plaques are being made for us by KirkPatrick Monuments which are going to be adhered to the granite paste before it dries. One of the plaques is going to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday while explaining the original purpose of the capsule and the other plaque is going to acknowledge everybody who contributed.

All of the work is going to be supervised by Jon Jouppien, a school alumni and an experienced archaeologist in the field of historical renovations.

Due to the fact that most of the money came in during the last month and that it is going to take roughly 3 months to have the plaques made, unfortunately we are not going to make our original Canada Day deadline.
However, it will be done by Labour Day at the latest and you will be acknowledged on the capsule as a contributor…. just a little later than we had hoped!

Again, thank you for your support and ‘Long live TFHS’.

Joe Albanese

p.s. – please pass this information around to as many people as possible.

p.p.s. – Sample text on one of the plaques…..

This plaque was erected to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the confederation of The Dominion of Canada, and the 50th anniversary of the placement of a Time Capsule (to be opened in 2067) into this structure by the students of this school which, at the time was known as Thorold – Fonthill High School. Commemoration of this event was undertaken by a committee of students who were present during the 1967 placement of the capsule, working in conjunction with the District School Board of Niagara, and the generous sponsorship of local businesses, individuals of this community and numerous school alumni.

TFHS Time Capsule Restoration Project – Request for Your Support

Hi everybody,

timeCapsuleTodayAs you may have heard, for the last three years we have been busy planning the renovation of the existing Thorold-Fonthill High School Time Capsule, to be opened officially in 2067; it is deteriorating and in bad need of a facelift.

Over the years, weather and other factors have contributed to the deterioration of the original structure. Plans for the restoration involve a copper lined lead coating in the original Centennial leaf shape, as well as a plaque to identify it.
We have both the support of the District School Board of Niagara and a detailed plan (developed my our resident archeologist/historian Jon Jouppien) that has been approved by both the board and our committee. The total cost of the project is estimated to be roughly $15,000…. so we are asking for the support of all those interested in having their names memorialized in TFHS history.

In the spirit of the old TFHS High School, donors who contribute $100 or more will be recognized on a plaque titled ‘Gamma Level Supporters’. Donors who contribute $500 or more will be similarly recognized on a plaque titled ‘Beta Level Supporters’. Donors who contribute $1000 or more will be recognized by having their names engraved on a plaque, also to be placed on the renovated capsule titled ‘Alpha Level Supporters’. Finally, donors who contribute $2500 or more will be recognized on a special plaque titled ‘Nova Level Supporters’. All contributions of $25 or more will be eligible for a tax receipt. Further, any funds received in excess of what is needed to complete the Time Capsule project will be used to upgrade the library of Glynn A Green School.

To date (June 10th, 2015) we have collected roughly $4500 and we have applied to the Federal Government for a $7500 grant via the Canada 150 Fund. The fund was established for the purpose of supporting local and national activities with the intention of bringing Canadians together by honouring the exceptional and to give back to Canada by leaving lasting legacies such as structures in need of improvement in time for Canada’s 150th birthday celebration of Confederation in 2017.

In order to contribute online, simply visit dsbn.org/donate/, click on Donate, select Glynn A Green Public School from the list, select the General option and type ‘Time Capsule’ into the Message/Instruction box. If you would rather contribute by cheque please make your cheque payable to Glynn A Green School and reference “Time Capsule” on the cheque; also have your full name and address on the cheque for a tax receipt. Please mail the cheque to DSBN 191 Carlton St., St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7P4 attention Maira Berzins. Thank you for your support! Long live Thorold-Fonthill High School!

All the best, long live TFHS High School,

Joseph Albanese

Thorold-Fonthill High School Pictures

Jon Jouppien Heritage Home Videos

We should all be very proud to say that Jon Jouppien is a fellow TFHS alumni. He is a very well-known and accomplished historian and archeologist, not to mention one of the most interesting people I have ever met.

Jon owns a Heritage Home, which is located near Fonthill. I am very happy to say that he provided us with a video tour of this house, which first ran on WTN several years ago. I hope that you enjoy watching it as much as I did.

Further, if you are interested in finding out more about Jon and his many accomplishments, just type his name into Google and his world of history will unfold before you.


Reunion Pictures

I would like to thank the Paroschy family and Paul Pastuszczak for providing us with TFHS reunion pictures. From what I have gathered, Read the rest of this entry »

TFHS reunion news and pictures

Hi everybody – The Web site is getting quite a bit of traffic since the article in The Voice of Pelham came out publicizing the site. Read the rest of this entry »

My first TFHS YearBooks post

Just a few things I found interesting as I progressed through the yearbooks. In particular, I noticed how much technology has changed Read the rest of this entry »

My first TFHS Miscellaneous post

Most of the work involved in developing this site came in the form of digitizing the yearbooks. It took an enormous amount of work Read the rest of this entry »
