Special thanks to Santa Cyopik, John Paroschy, Mary Ann Laing,
John & Brenda Neilson, Vera Ohler and Lois Albanese
for lending me their yearbooks, and their support.

Archive for September, 2010

Thorold-Fonthill High School Pictures

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
Home » Thorold-Fonthill High School Pictures

2013 TFHS Reunion Pictures - The Decades Room at the EL Crossley 50th Reunion

Pictures taken on May 18th and May 19, 2013 at the EL Crossley 50th Reunion featuring TFHS in the 60's Decades Room.

Pictures of Old Fonthill

Interesting pictures of old Fonthill. Please feel free to contribute.

TFHS reunion news and pictures

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

Hi everybody – The Web site is getting quite a bit of traffic since the article in The Voice of Pelham came out publicizing the site. (more…)
