My first TFHS Miscellaneous post
Most of the work involved in developing this site came in the form of digitizing the yearbooks. It took an enormous amount of work to do that. I averaged roughly 4 to 6 hours a day for 4 months in order to complete that stage of the project. Even though it was a great deal of work, at no point did it seem like work. In fact, on most days I couldn’t wait to get home in order to get at it again.
Every image had to be cropped, rotated and ‘cleaned up’ in Photoshop. Many of the images still appear crooked in their digital form, with text and photos leaning in different directions. That’s how they looked in the print version and I didn’t want my Photoshop artistry to artificially alter the look and feel of these 50 year old print publications.
In some cases, however, I couldn’t help myself. For example, some of the images that appeared on the inside covers of the books were single images that were spread over 2 pages and split in half by the spine of the book. I ‘Photoshopped’ these images together in an effort to preserve the editors original artistic intent.